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​Astley Castle, Warwickshire

by Witherford Watson Mann Architects

Client The Landmark Trust

© Philip Vile

This sensitive scheme places the new building at the heart of the old, demonstrating creativity, preservation and conservation.

In a 12th century fortified manor, further damaged by fire in 1978, the architects have created a new house that allows Landmark Trust guests to experience life in a near thousand-year-old castle with distinctly 21st century mod cons.

Astley Castle demonstrates that working within sensitive historic contexts requires far more than the specialist skills of the conservation architect: this is an important piece of architecture, beautifully detailed and crafted. The decision to put the bedrooms and bathrooms on the ground floor and the communal spaces above makes the experience of the house very special as perhaps the most impressive spaces are the outdoor Tudor and Jacobean ruins.

You can also view our video tour of Astley Castle.

Location details

Astley Castle sits on a site originally owned by the Astley family in the 12th century, in Nuneaton, north Warwickshire.

© Hélène Binet
© Hélène Binet
© Hélène Binet
© Hélène Binet
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