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RIBA business insurance

For questions about our business insurance products or to get a quote, please contact our specialist team.

We are proud to have partnered with one of the UK’s largest brokers, Gallagher, to offer you a range of business insurance products. The team of specialists have an in-depth practical understanding of the insurance and risk management needs of architectural practices.

Gallagher guarantee to beat your renewal quote* on your office insurance package

Gallagher Office insurance package

Arrange your Public Liability, Employers’ Liability and Contents and Equipment insurance with us as a package and we will guarantee to beat your renewal quote*

Public Liability

If your business comes into direct contact with customers or members of the public, you should consider Public Liability cover. It helps protect your business against claims made by a member of the public due to personal injury or damage to their property as a result of your business activity whether at your business premises or at another location.

Employers' Liability

Employers’ Liability could be a legal requirement for your business. As the definition of what constitutes an employee may not be straightforward, and can include volunteers, work experience, and temporary workers amongst other variations, it is worth talking to an advisor in order to understand your specific requirements.

This cover helps protect you in the event of an employee suffering an illness or injury as a result of their work that results in a claim for compensation. Without this cover, any claim could be time consuming, costly and detrimental to your business.

Business Content and Equipment Insurance

Whether it is specialist portable site equipment, laptops, tablets or mobile phones, having sufficient protection in place for the things your business relies on is important. As well as items that you take outside of the office, you can also obtain cover for contents at your business address. Common cover requirements for architects can include fixtures and fittings, computers and telephone systems, artwork, transparencies, and drawings (which can be costly to replicate if lost).

Other insurance products

Business Interruption

Should your ability to trade become impaired following an insured event, business interruption cover can help cover additional unexpected costs as well as any loss of revenue you may suffer if you can’t trade or fail to deliver projects on time. You may also find that there are fixed costs that can’t be disposed of whilst you aren’t able to trade, which could further impact your earnings and can be included in this cover. Insurer support can often help its customers get back on their feet much quicker and therefore minimise the disruption in the first place.

Directors' and Officers'

Legal disputes or allegations of professional failings can often be lodged against a private individual rather than against the practice. Defending these personal matters can be incredibly stressful and time consuming whilst putting your own assets at risk. Directors’ and Officers’ insurance helps protect all people within your business from compensation claims and associated defence costs in the event such a claim is made against them.

Personal Accident

A group policy that provides financial cover if you or a member of your team is unable to work due to injury caused by an accident. Personal Accident insurance provides compensation for lost income and medical costs in the event of an accident, death, or injury.

Cyber Insurance

Technology is becoming increasingly relied upon within businesses and data breaches are becoming more frequent. Cyber Liability Insurance helps protect you against this increasing risk of cyber-crime, covering the legal costs of being liable in the event you are sued by affected customers or employees following a data breach, restore lost cash or assets and covers the cost of interruption and lost revenue as a result of fraud or theft via electronic or telecommunications.

Legal Protection

Defending yourself in the event of a claim made against your business from a third party (including employees, customers and suppliers) can be costly. Legal protection can provide cover for the cost of legal advice and representation if you are faced with such a situation.

Payment options available – help spread your payment with Direct Debit provided by our partner Premium Credit Limited (PCL)**

Contact us today

For questions about our business insurance products or to get a quote, please contact our specialist team

These are brief product descriptions only. Please refer to the policy documentation paying particular attention to the terms and conditions, exclusions, warranties, subjectivities, excesses and any endorsements.

* Promotion is available between 1 May 2024 and 30 April 2025 (inclusive).  Applicable to (i) new business only; (ii) subject to qualifying for a quotation; and (iii) offer based on like for like cover. Guarantee to beat your office insurance premium by at least £5, provided you have not had any claims in the last 5 years and you can provide evidence of your 2023/2024 renewal schedule prior to inceptionView full terms and conditions.

**We work with a third party company called Premium Credit Limited (PCL), which manages instalment payments. We act as a credit broker and we are not a lender. If you pay by monthly direct debit, we will pass your details to PCL and they will make a credit decision about you which may include a credit check being carried out. Please let us know immediately if you do not consent to us sharing your details with PCL. If PCL agrees to provide you with credit you will receive a welcome pack including a credit agreement from PCL, which you will need to sign and return to PCL. Please note that PCL has its own set of terms, conditions, and charges and you should familiarise yourself with these carefully. We may receive a commission for introducing you to PCL. Paying by monthly direct debit via PCL will cost more than paying by a one-off payment.

RIBA Financial Services Limited is an introducer-appointed representative of Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance Brokers Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Spectrum Building, 55 Blysthwood Street, Glasgow, G2 7AT. Registered in Scotland. Company Number: SC108909. AR39-2024a. Exp. 04/06/2025

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