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RIBA, CIH, LGA and RTPI launch programme to support placemaking at local level

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), Local Government Association (LGA) and Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) have today (Thursday 13 December) launched Future Place: a joint two-phase initiative to recognise, reward and encourage high quality placemaking in England.

13 December 2018

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), Local Government Association (LGA) and Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) have today (Thursday 13 December) launched Future Place: a joint two-phase initiative to recognise, reward and encourage high quality placemaking in England.

© Nerea Bermejo Olaizola

Phase one will highlight the vital role that Local Planning Authorities play in creating great places to live and work by celebrating best practice examples and the potential of placemaking in England.

The RIBA, CIH, LGA and RTPI have launched an open call for Local Authorities who are working with public, private or voluntary sector partners to deliver exemplary placemaking visions – regardless of size or budget.

From the open call submissions, the selected exemplars will be announced at the UK government's stand at MIPIM 2019, the world's leading property expo (12-15 March).

The Future Places selection will be chosen by an expert panel based on how they propose to improve and enhance people’s lives, community wellbeing and sustainable environments.

In phase two of the Future Place programme, Local Authorities will be asked to nominate two Future Place-Makers from their team to participate in a leadership programme; a digital resource will then be created to share best practice and processes.

By sharing innovative approaches to funding, design and delivery, the Future Place programme aims to demonstrate the potential and necessary conditions for successful placemaking in England.

The open call for expressions of interest is open until 22 January 2019. More information on how to take part can be found here.

RIBA President, Ben Derbyshire, said:

“It is vital that we encourage the development of desirable and sustainable places to live and work. There is much good practice already happening in the UK and this project has been designed to celebrate innovative approaches and share intelligence.

I look forward to working with our partner organisations over the next few months to shine a light on some of the great work and to see how by investing in local support and increased collaboration, our professionals can create successful communities."

Chartered Institute of Housing President, Jim Strang, said:

“Local authorities play an absolutely vital role in creating thriving communities that are great places to live and work, and crucially in providing genuinely affordable housing. We’re delighted to be working with our partners at RIBA, RTPI and LGA on this project.”

Councillor Martin Tett, Chair of the Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board at the LGA, said:

“Councils play a critical role in setting the vision and shaping the delivery of high-quality places where people want to live, work and enjoy their time. The LGA is proud to represent councils as a partner of the Future Place initiative.”

Victoria Hills MRTPI, Chief Executive of the Royal Town Planning Institute, said:

“A robust and dynamic planning department is at the heart of place-making, to create vibrant, prosperous communities. We see at the annual RTPI Excellence in Planning Awards that celebrate and highlight the best examples, how places are being transformed through forward-looking and collaborative planning leadership. But we also know that local planning teams are operating under severe resource constraints. We are backing this programme as it will give a much-needed boost to leadership development”.


Notes to editors:

1. For further press information contact 020 7307 3811.

2. More information on the Future Place programme can be found here. You can also email our project manager

3. The Future Place project is supported by: British Property Federation, Building Research Establishment, Construction Industry Council, Home Builders Federation, National House Building Council and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

4. The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is a global professional membership body that serves its members and society in order to deliver better buildings and places, stronger communities and a sustainable environment. Follow @RIBA on Twitter for regular updates.

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