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Future Place North Northamptonshire

This new body plans to advance North Northamptonshire’s ambitious growth agenda (increasing the population by 25%) and ensure quality design.

13 March 2019

Northamptonshire County Council, Corby Borough Council, East Northamptonshire Council, Kettering Borough Council and Borough Council of Wellingborough

Northamptonshire County Council, Corby Borough Council, East Northamptonshire Council, Kettering Borough Council and Borough Council of Wellingborough

North Northamptonshire is comprised of five partner local authorities who are currently moving towards the formation of a unitary authority. It has had a Joint Planning Committee and Joint Planning Unit (JPU) in place since 2004. Their ambitious growth strategy to build 40,000 homes between 2011 and 2031 and create high quality Garden Communities, including a new Garden Village, is set out in their core strategy. In 2017 the JPU was combined with a delivery unit forming the Joint Planning and Deliver Unit (JDPU). This new body plans to advance North Northamptonshire’s ambitious growth agenda (increasing the population by 25%) and ensure quality design. North Northamptonshire have already established several place shaping policies which now require implementation across all five local authorities. The Future Place programme will support North Northamptonshire’s JDPU deliver the work they have planned for the next year, including creating a Place Shaping website, a Supplementary Planning Document to assist developers, and progressing plans for a new Garden Village.

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