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RIBA South East 2024 student award winners announced

Discover the winners of the RIBA South East 2024 Student awards at schools of architecture across the region.

28 June 2024

RIBA South East student awards promote excellence and reward talent in the study and education of architecture across the South East.

Three RIBA judging panels visited the 2024 End of Year shows for architecture students at the University of Brighton, the University of Kent, and the University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury.

University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury

Paul Simms (Profile Architecture), Charlotte Pryke (Lee Evans) and Ariona Doko represented the Canterbury and District branch judging the undergraduate and postgraduate prizes at the opening of the UCA end of year show.

The standard of work was exceptional, making it a challenge to select the winner from such a diverse body of work. Prizes were awarded based on the clarity of presentation and the use of inspirational imagery to animate the proposals.

The panel would like to congratulate the students and the team at UCA for producing such an outstanding end of year show.

Necati Akyol awarded the RIBA Part 1 South East Student Award (University of Creative Arts)

The UCA undergraduate prize was awarded to Architecture BA (Hons) student Necati Akyol, whose panel provided a concise diagrammatic explanation of the concept together with a stunning sectional perspective at the heart of the presentation.

Detail from Necati Akyol's end of year show.

Niranjani Rav awarded the RIBA Part 2 South East Student Award (University of Creative Arts)

The postgraduate prize at UCA was awarded to MArch student Niranjani Rav, whose presentation included a sequence of internal perspective views which vibrantly portray the narrative of the design.

Detail from Niranjani Rav's end of year show.

University of Brighton

The RIBA Sussex judging panel is delighted to announce the 2024 winners from the University of Brighton's Architecture BA (Hons) and MArch degrees.

Cecilie Thonvald awarded the RIBA Part 1 South East Student Award (University of Brighton)

The RIBA Sussex judging panel felt that Cecilie’s design for a treatment for those suffering from anorexia, was both sensitive and highly contextual.

The scheme demonstrated an excellent understanding of materials, and a well-resolved plan, that considered all aspects of the program. The judges were impressed with the quality of their presentation, drawings, and images.

Detail from Cecilie Thonvald's end of year show.

The judges were so impressed with the work of two of the MArch students at the University of Brighton that they felt they had no choice but to make the Part 2 prize a joint award this year.

Henry Menzies-Smith: Joint winner of the RIBA Part 2 South East Student Award (University of Brighton) .

The judging panel was excited by Henry Menzies-Smith's proposal to creatively re-use the existing Kingswest Centre on Brighton seafront. The proposal intensified the density of the site, whilst addressing the public realm in a very successful manner.

Henry’s approach to embracing the circular economy through reuse of existing building elements showed clear depth of thought. The judging panel felt this was exactly the sort of sensitive urban design and building re-use that is needed in the face of the current climate emergency.

Illustration for Brighton redevelopment
Detail of Henry Menzie-Smith's presentation boards.

Juliet Welshman: Joint winner of the RIBA Part 2 South East Student Award (University of Brighton)

Juliet Welshman’s thorough and perceptive analysis of the poor public realm at Brighton marina, and their ability to present this coherently and legibly really impressed the judges. The series of interventions were sensitive and well-considered.

With thanks to the 2024 RIBA West Kent Branch judging panel: Stuart Eatock, ECE Architecture (Chair), David MacDonald, ECE Architecture, Abe Mohsin, Mohsin Cooper Architects, Richard Hanley-Timmins, Fathom Architects, Michael Pirrie, ECE Architecture and Cal Terry.

Detail from Juliet Welshman's work.

University of Kent

For 2024, the RIBA West Kent branch judging panel awarded three prizes to students on the BA(Hons)/RIBA Part 1 course.

Nathan Shippey awarded first prize

Nathan's project was praised for its alignment with the brief, tackling site three with existing buildings, promoting sustainability through adaptive reuse. Their adventurous approach includes modifying an existing building for a performance space and enhancing the river frontage with green spaces and walkways.

The award was given for:

  • extensive research
  • ambitious project with creative roof design
  • exciting concepts with significant development
  • comprehensive site analysis, balanced new and old structures, and thoughtful landscaping
Judges looking at presentation boards on the wall.
Nathan Shippey talks through their project with RIBA judges.

Augustin Dudouit awarded second prize

Augustin's work stood out for its strong graphic layout and ambitious building program, successfully integrating multiple functions within a well-designed landscape. Their material choices of timber, rammed earth, and concrete are appreciated.

The prize was given for:

  • engaging and well-presented research, with good local interaction
  • a well-presented project with clear details and use of materials
  • sustainable material use, strong graphic presentation, and clear High Street analysis
Naturally coloured details of buildings.
Augustin Dudouit awarded second prize.

Iona Anderson awarded third prize

Iona's research and project narrative were professionally presented, with a clear understanding of the site and strong visual links in their design.

The prize was given for:

  • mature and professional research, with extensive site analysis
  • nicely drawn, with good use of Photoshop
  • strong visual link between street and river, soft graphic presentation, and strong biophilic design elements

With thanks to the 2024 RIBA West Kent Branch judging panel: Sarah Marshall - Hales Marshall Design Architects (Branch Chair), Robert Hales - Hales Marshall Design Architects, Marc Wright - Studio Four Point Ten, Leslie May - D A C Architects and Sandy Mackay - Architect.

Model by Iona Anderson to demonstrate their project detail.

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