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Alternative Age Friendly Handbook

Discover how your work can contribute to the development of Age-Friendly communities with this short handbook.

Alternative Age Friendly Handbook

The Alternative Age-friendly Handbook (2014) is a practical reference for architects, designers, artists and ‘urban curators’ who want to support age-inclusive (re)production of the city – together with, on behalf of, or for older people.

The handbook offers thoughts, practical tools, tips and recommended reading. Drawing on a range of emerging forms of age-inclusive practice it offers inspiration for ways of rethinking and re-configuring older people’s – often neglected – experience of open space.

Its age-inclusive spatial principles and approaches, reflective essays, sample guidance and glossary of key – and contested – ‘age-friendly’ terms can be dipped into in any order.

Age Friendly Handbook © RIBA / AGE UK / MICRA / UK Urban Ageing Consortium

The handbook was written by RIBA Research and Innovation Group member Sophie Handler (from Age-Friendly Manchester and the University of Manchester School of Architecture) and produced in partnership with the RIBA, the UK Urban Ageing Consortium, MICRA and Age UK with funding from the ESRC.

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