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Joining the Dots

This report makes the case for addressing the UK’s transport issues as part of the solution to the housing crisis. Alongside the report, RIBA commissioned ComRes to survey public opinion on transport infrastructure and housing.

Joining the Dots: a new approach to tackling the UK’s infrastructure challenges, makes the case for addressing the UK’s transport issues as part of the solution to the housing crisis. Alongside the report, RIBA commissioned ComRes to survey public opinion on transport infrastructure and housing.

The RIBA report concludes that the UK’s transport infrastructure problems go beyond a simple lack of investment and are systemic. Opportunities to maximise the return of investment in transport, for example by encouraging the delivery of high quality new housing alongside transport to meet local needs, are missed because there are no common guidelines or holistic view. Infrastructure is dealt with by central Government and favours a flawed analytical system that fails to respond to local circumstances.

The RIBA report sets out a new decision-making framework for local and central government, with a number of recommendations for infrastructure investments. The framework aims to:

  • Ensure that housing and employment are given greater importance in the decision-making processes for transport infrastructure projects;
  • Deepen the devolution of power and resources over infrastructure and housing to local and regional leaders;
  • Raise the bar for design by including design guidance in national and local infrastructure policies.

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