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United Nations sustainable Development Goals in Practice

This is part of a growing body of work exploring the UN Sustainable Development Goals in practice and looking more broadly at sustainable and ethical practice within the architectural profession and the built environment.

Ethics and sustainable development

In 2015 the RIBA signed up to the UN Global Compact – in doing so, the RIBA signalled its commitment to sustainability and professionalism, through its own work and through collaborative projects with others.

In becoming a signatory to the UNGC, the RIBA has also agreed to support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, tackling various issues including: human rights, labour laws, the environment and anti-corruption/bribery.

The RIBA wants to motivate and enable both Chartered Practices and individual members to practice in a way which supports and promotes the SDGs as well as strengthening the architectural profession as a whole. The RIBA encourages its membership to become leaders within the construction industry, driving forward professionalism, ethics and sustainability

See the following ‘toolkit’ (also available in hard copy) for more information:

Part 1 - ‘UN Sustainable Development Goals in Practice’ (PDF) – a short A5 publication

Part 2 - Case studies - 'Ethics in Architectural Practice' (PDF)

Part 2 - Ethical practice overlay to the RIBA Plan of Work – to launch in early 2019

Agenda 2030, which focusses on Sustainable Development was adopted by Heads of State and Governments in September 2015. It is a new plan of action for people, planet and prosperity, with 17 SDGs and 169 associated targets at its core.

More information on Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs can be found here.

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