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Co-shaping cities and the future of collaborative planning

Join Laura Alvarez, Senior Principal Urban Design and Conservation Officer at Nottingham City Council, to explore some big questions.

As part of York Design Week, Senior Principal Urban Design and Conservation Officer at Nottingham City Council Laura Alvarez asks some big questions.

Has the pandemic fast-forwarded structural changes in the ways in which we plan and build our cities? What are the real opportunities and challenges for place democracy in the future? What is the future landscape of place-making and how is the role of professionals likely to change? What new skills will be essential?

"Emerging national policy will soon put community engagement at the heart of the planning process, at all stages of design.

"In preparation for this change, Nottingham City Council has recently launched the Community Engagement Guide, a document in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the National Planning Policy Framework. The guide states the city’s ambitious expectations regarding public involvement in design and planning processes."