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Tim Crocker​

​Cook's Camden Exhibition

​An exhibition at RIBA North based on Mark Swenarton’s acclaimed recent book Cook’s Camden: The Making of Modern Housing​

The Cook’s Camden exhibition focuses on six schemes designed by the RIBA Royal Gold Medallist 2018, Neave Brown, including Alexandra Road (pictured), as well by fellow Camden architects Peter Tábori and Benson Forsyth.

The housing projects built in Camden in the 1960s and 1970s when Sydney Cook was borough architect – including Neave Brown’s Alexandra Road, Benson Forsyth’s Branch Hill and Peter Tábori’s Highgate New Town - set out a model of street-based housing that continues to command admiration to this day.

Devised and curated by Mark Swenarton - emeritus professor of architecture at the University of Liverpool - the exhibition features photography, both exterior and interior, by Tim Crocker taken specially for 'Cook’s Camden', as well as original black and white photographs by Martin Charles. Accompanying the photographs are explanatory texts as well as plans and sections which were specially redrawn for the book.

Designed by Stefi Orazi Studio, the exhibition has previously been shown in London.

The Cook’s Camden exhibition is at RIBA North from 23 November 2018 to 5 January 2019. It complements A Home For All: Six Experiments in Social Housing, a RIBA + V&A display in the architecture gallery at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. This display is on view from 24 November 2018 to 30 June 2019.