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Rachel Manns

Design Time: Architectural collaborations - August 2021

Join us for a creative architecture workshop for young people aged 11 to 15 at our London headquarters. Participants will take part in a series of games and challenges to explore the architect-client relationship and how communication can evolve the design of a building.

About the workshop

Design Time: Architectural collaborations
Monday 16
August 2021, 11am to 4pm
For children aged 11 to 15

Investigate, collaborate, fabricate.

How do architects communicate with their clients? Imagine you (the architect) have an idea for an amazing structure, sustainable, portable, durable and above all else, it looks super slick. But what’s the best way to explain your brilliant creative vision to someone else? Can you use sketches? Diagrams? Animations? Video call? Model making? Or just plain old speaking to people? What works when distance comes between us?

Now, more than ever before, we are searching for new and innovative ways to communicate and connect with other people, Join us for this in-person workshop where participants will face a series of games, tasks, and challenges which investigate different modes of communication and explore the ways in which the (socially distanced) architect-client relationship can help to evolve the design of a building or take it in a completely new direction.

This creative architecture workshop is led by artist educator Zoe Arnold, intended for children aged 11 to 15 years.

Participant information for Design Time at 66 Portland Place August 2021

This workshop will be one of the first in-person events for the RIBA since March 2020, so we are limiting the number of participants at this time. We are delighted to welcome you back to 66 Portland Place, but will ask that you follow a few extra guidelines for the event:

  • please do not attend if you have any symptoms associated with COVID-19, have had a positive corona virus test or been asked to self-isolate
  • hand sanitiser stations are located throughout the building, please use these or wash hands regularly
  • we will keep the room as well ventilated as possible by opening windows and doors, so please bring a jumper if the weather is a bit chilly
  • maintain social distancing and wear a face covering (unless exempt) when moving around the building
  • bring along a packed lunch and a drink (the café is not open at this time). We will be keeping the group together at lunch time and weather permitting we will be having our lunches on one of our outdoor terraces
  • we ask that everybody arrives 10 minutes before the start time so that we can take the group up together. We may be checking temperatures as part of the checking in procedure

About the workshop series

Our Design Time (previously Design Day) workshops for ages 11 to 15 take architectural design a step further, by providing context and knowledge of the built environment to spark creativity.

Past workshops have focused on:

  • different architectural styles
  • small and large scale construction methods
  • traditional and digital drawing techniques
  • architectural games
  • using software to design collaboratively in a shared space

All participants must arrive by 11am. These workshops are led by professional educators and all materials are included in the ticket price, but lunch is not provided.

If you're under 18, tickets must be booked by a parent or guardian. Online booking in advance is essential - if we do not receive full registration information in advance of the event, we cannot allow the participant to attend.

Workshop costs

  • £40 excluding booking fee
  • £30 for participants who qualify for free school lunch. (Proof required)

To see other learning workshops taking place in this series, see our families and children page.