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Maria Alejandra Huicho Rivera

Design Time: Design, destroy, develop (in-person workshop)

You have been given an at risk building to look after… will you destroy, develop or leave it? Deciding its destiny will be up to you in this exciting architectural workshop. For children aged 11 to 14.

Design Time: Design, destroy, develop

Wednesday 15 February 2023, 11am to 4pm

For children aged 11 to 14

This workshop will include exploring sustainable building ideas, playing games to build your own architectural adventure, and learning about at risk and unused buildings; deciding what’s best - keep, repurpose or demolish. Watch out for the wildcards and people trying to put a spanner in the works of our design journey.

You will learn about building design, develop model making skills and problem solve your way out of construction conundrums whilst working individually and as part of a team to create 3D versions of our ideas.

This creative architecture workshop for children aged 11 to 14 will be run by artist educator Katie Kennedy.