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Credit: Matthew Kerrod

Liverpool Architectural Society film screening: I am Cuba

Join Liverpool Architectural Society for a screening of I am Cuba, part of their 2021 film series.

This film screening is presented by the Liverpool Architectural Society.

I Am Cuba is an anti-American propaganda film, made as a Cuban-Soviet co-production, that has been snatched from oblivion, restored, and released in the United States as a presentation of Martin Scorsese and Francis Coppola. Since the film's prediction of a brave new world under Fidel Castro has not resulted in a utopia for Cubans, who suffer under one of the world's most dismal bureaucracies, the film today seems naive and dated - but fascinating.

This screening will begin with a short 10 to 15 minute introduction from Liverpool Architectural Society.

The next instalment from the series will be Don't Look Now, at 6.30pm on Tuesday, 2 November 2021.