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RIBA and University of Westminster: Experience architecture workshop

These free study days, hosted by RIBA Learning in collaboration with the University of Westminster, introduce Year 10 to 13 students to a future in architecture.

Experience architecture with our free study day - a collaboration between the Royal Institute of British Architects and the University of Westminster.

These study days will introduce Year 10 to 13 students to what architecture is, what studying it at university is like, and the amazing career opportunities available.

Study day information

All study days will take place at the following locations:

Study day agenda

10am to 11am - Introduction to architecture and drawing tour of RIBA

11am to 11.20am - Careers in architecture (presentation covering different career opportunities)

11.20am to 12.15pm - Portfolio reviews (trained architects will share tips on how to compose successful portfolios - students are welcome to bring their own portfolio for advice and suggestions on improvement)

12.15pm to 12.45pm - Interview preparation (a practical exercise designed to help students understand how to successfully prepare for university and job interviews

1.15pm to 1.30pm - Walk to the University of Westminster

1.30pm to 3.30pm - Tour of architecture facilities, including:

  • a tour of the university
  • a talk about careers in architecture
  • a studio visit - crit session observation, discussion with students and learning about attending the university
  • a tour of the Fab Lab Workshop and model making session

Scheduled dates

Schools are invited to attend the free study days on any of the following dates. A minimum class size of 12 and a maximum class size of 30 students is permitted.

  • 16 February 2024
  • 22 March 2024
  • 26 April 2024

To book your place, please email

Watch a video from the University of Westminster to get a preview of this free study day.