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RIBA East Small, New and Emerging Practice Network - May 2021

An online networking event designed to create dialogue, discussion and provide support for small, new and emerging practices in the East.

The RIBA East Small, New and Emerging Practice Network is a regular online networking meeting aimed at start-ups, sole practitioners, and small and emerging practices in the East of England.

At our next meetup, we welcome Tom Bell of Freehaus who will talk about his origins and focus on social, ethical and sustainable design.

As a director at Freehaus, communication is a key part of Tom’s role. Working closely with clients across all sectors, Tom balances the design aspirations of the studio with the economic and technical demands of each project. Tom has recently been certified Passivhaus Designer.

After Tom's presentation, there will be group networking and discussion around any topics of interest. If there's something in particular you'd like to raise, please either do so during the meeting or email Juliet Talbot.

This is a friendly, sociable meetup for RIBA members to share experiences and learn from others on a range of topics and issues. The events are hosted by Sasha Edmonds, Founding Director of Liv Architects, and Luke Butcher, Founding Director of Butcher Bayley Architects.

Register now for your free ticket and then pull up a chair, grab a laptop and a coffee, and join the network.

Ibstock kindly partners the RIBA East New and Emerging Practice Network.

RIBA East Small, New & Emerging Practice Network image