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The Black House, Dualchas/ Photo: David Barbour

2023 RSAW Annual Conference: architects - leaders or followers revisited

Join us on Thursday 30 November for the 30th anniversary of the RSAW annual conference where we will be re-exploring the theme from the first ever conference in 1994: ‘Architects – leaders or followers: the next ten years’.

On 30 November 2023, we will celebrate the 30th RSAW annual conference by re-exploring the theme from the first ever conference in 1994: ‘Architects –leaders or followers: the next ten years’.

As the RSAW is busy setting its vision for 2024-2034, the next 10 years is a focus for us in which we hope to discover what and who is new in architecture, who should we be following on their architectural journey, and how has the last 30 years impacted the world of architecture, not just in Wales, but globally.

We will revisit some of the key themes from 1994, focussing on what was considered to be the architectural profession's problems such as client expectations, the balance of work between public and private sector, consumers, buildings becoming more complex, the growing sophistication of IT systems and its effects on the drawing studio. Less predictability, fees, competition, and self-interest.

The day’s programme includes five case studies by RIBA award-winning architects that will explore the ethos of a successful practice, how to incorporate sustainability into the heart of each project, the growing influence of artificial intelligence, how a small practice can think big, and a review of a recent RIBA National Award-winning scheme. As is customary, the day will be rounded off with the Inspiration Hour by the multi award-winning Scottish practice, Dualchas Architects.

For the full programme, please download either the Welsh or English language flyers below:

Full ticket price information:

  • Early bird member discount: £99 + VAT
  • RSAW/ RIBA members: £120 + VAT
  • Non-members: £175 + VAT
  • Student/Retired: £60 + VAT
  • Chartered Practice Group Discount: For groups between 3-5 delegates, please apply 5% discount
  • For groups of 6 or more delegates, please apply 10%

For reduced RIBA membership fee rate and chartered practice group discount codes contact

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