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Small practice community: RIBA contracts

Join our small practice representative Sarah Stead for the next peer to peer sole and small practice regional online community.

Small practice representative Sarah Stead would like to invite all RIBA members from small practices and RIBA sole practitioners to meet informally online to form a platform for regular online get togethers to promote peer to peer support.

We will be joined by Steven Cross, RIBA Director of Commercial Development, who will speak about RIBA Contracts Digital and answer any questions you might have.

RIBA professional services and building contracts are designed to be clear and easy to use. They are suitable for architects, contractors, consultants, commercial businesses, and clients. All RIBA contracts are available through RIBA Contracts Digital, our online platform where you can easily and effectively manage your contracts online.

This platform is also open to anyone who is currently employed or unemployed, and thinking of setting up practice.