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Talks and lectures

Snakes & ladders – how to win at the planning game

An online networking event designed to create dialogue, discussion and guidance from the RIBA South/South East Planning Group

In order to win at any game, you first need to understand the rules. We operate in a plan-led development system so why is there so much uncertainty and dissatisfaction with town planning nowadays?

Steve Lees MRTPI of Steve Lees Planning will outline the challenges that face local authority planning departments and the frustrations experienced by planners in local government.

Philip Waddy, Chair of the RIBA Planning Advisory Group, will offer tips and tactics to enhance positive planning outcomes.

The presentations will be short so as to allow maximum time for participants to ask questions and create an informative discussion.

Participants are asked to contribute examples of good practice in local authority planning departments so that we can share with the RTPI what works well in planning.


Philip Waddy - Chair of the RIBA Planning Group & Managing Partner - West Waddy ADP

Steve Lees - Planning Consultant, RTPI

Steve started work in 1983 having obtained a planning degree at Cardiff. For most of his career, he worked as a policy planner in local government starting out as a junior officer and finishing as head of a planning service. He has written numerous policy documents, including local plans, and has been heavily involved in their implementation. For the last five years, he has been an independent planning consultant providing advice to clients in the public and private sector covering a range of projects. This experience has provided an insight into how the outside world views planning. He is an active member of the RTPI and currently is an external examiner for a planning school.