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RIBA Collections

Take to the streets: Local architecture walks

Come explore the fascinating history and architecture around the RIBA’s HQ in Westminster on our monthly walks. This event is now fully booked.

This event is now fully booked.

Join us and explore the architecture around the RIBA. With the outside of the RIBA’s HQ as our meeting point, our seasonal guided walks will take a different outdoor route and explore a different theme in London's West End. These free local walks are inspired by the RIBA Collections and led by experienced RIBA staff. Booking is essential and places are limited. Children are welcome on the tour, but each child will require their own ticket.

Next walk: Places of worship (fully booked)

1pm, Monday 23 August 2021
In August's walk, we will discover how the RIBA’s neighbourhood has always been a diverse one. Discover current and past places of worship and their architectural history.