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Talks and lectures

YAPF Skills for Success 2021: Adaption

Join the RIBA Young Architectural Practitioner's Forum (YAPF) to explore the topic of adaption; through events including sustainable reuse, Passivhaus, carbon calculation and wellbeing.

Established in 2018 by the RIBA Young Architectural Practitioners Forum, Skills for Success is now in its fourth successful year. Skills for Success aims to provide young architects with additional skills to excel in their professional development and benefit their practices. It is an annual celebration of knowledge sharing in the region delivered across four events with a unified theme.

This year, join the YAPF to explore the pertinent topic of adaption, through events including sustainable reuse, Passivhaus and carbon calculation, wellbeing and urban design. YAPF are delighted to be working in collaboration with RIBA North East's Sustainability Forum to bring a series within a series hosted by Sustainability Forum co-chair and Passivhaus designer Mark Siddall (LEAP). Please note the seminar will consist of four one-hour sessions.

Online event links will be sent out following the purchase of a ticket.

Sustainable adaption with North East Sustainable Future Forum: A mini-series

Passivhaus 101: Thursday 14 October 6pm to 7pm

Thermal Bridging: Tuesday 19 October 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Air tightness and thermal bypass: Thursday 21 October 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Whole life carbon calculation: Tuesday 2 November 12.30pm to 1.30pm

Skills for Success programme

This event series is an opportunity to learn about the first principles of Passivhaus design and bring along your work in progress details for critique and development.

Brutal adaption: 20th century buildings for the 21st century

Thursday 28 October, 6.00pm to 8.00pm

Location to be confirmed

What role do the mass concrete buildings of the last century have in the context of today’s conversations on heritage and the climate emergency? We examine the pasts and futures of key projects like Park Hill in Sheffield to examine what, if any, part these buildings can play in today’s built environment.

Practice adaption: How to practice architecture well with Jenny Russell

Thursday 11 November, 6.00pm to 8.00pm


Join practitioner, educator and interim Head of RIBA Education, Jenny Russell as she discusses the lessons learned from researching and writing her guides: Study Architecture Well and Practise Architecture Well. Expect useful, practical tips and insightful experience from a broad range of areas of practice.

Urban adaption: Exploring emerging urban environments

Thursday 25 November, 6.00pm to 8.00pm

Location to be confirmed

A range of speaker talks about recently completed and forthcoming projects which think differently about our urban environments. We’ll examine what impact COVID-19, the climate emergency and our ever changing relationship with place will have on our environments across a range of locations and scales.

Sponsored by Ibstock Brick.

Tickets and pricing

  • Three seminars and sustainability mini-series: £20
  • Sustainability mini-series: £10
  • Brutal adaption - 28 October: £6
  • Practice adaption - 11 November: £6
  • Urban adaption - 25 November: £6
  • Students: Free