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Rick McCullagh
Talks and lectures

YAPF Sustainable Retrofit

With new buildings accounting for 1% of the total annual UK building stock, the retrofitting of existing buildings is one of the biggest challenges the industry faces if it is to achieve net zero operational carbon by 2050.

With new buildings accounting for 1% of the total annual UK building stock, the retrofitting of existing buildings is one of the biggest challenges the industry faces if it is to achieve net zero operational carbon by 2050.


James Traynor is Managing Director of ECD Architects, and author of ‘EnerPHit - A Step by Step Guide to Low-Energy Retrofit’. He is a Certified Passivhaus Designer, with over 15 years’ experience in low-energy design.

In recent years, James has been involved in a number of pioneering projects which address the future of building refurbishment in the UK. He has created partnerships between industry and academia to improve wider learning, and is passionately committed to creating attractive, affordable and sustainable environments that meet the long-term needs of the building user.

Kit Knowles will provide practical insight on how Ecospheric Developments are driving and promoting technological changes. This has enabled them to successfully deliver numerous holistic renovations, including Zetland Road, the first homes in Europe to achieve Passivhaus EnerPHit Plus certification.