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​RIBA Board and Committees

RIBA Board

The RIBA Board of Trustees was created in March 2020. It is responsible for the management of RIBA’s business and Board Members are the Trustees of RIBA as a charity. It oversees the majority of RIBA’s committees, with the exception of the Nominations Committee, Standards Committee and Nations & Regions Council Committee, which all report directly to Council. Find out more about RIBA Council Committees.

RIBA Board Members:

  • Simon Allford (Council)
  • Joanna Bacon (Culture and Events)
  • Nik Benford (Digital)
  • Jennifer Dixon (Membership Engagement)
  • Muyiwa Oki (President)
  • Femi Oresanya (Honorary Treasurer)
  • Murray Orr (Business and Enterprise)
  • Jack Pringle (Chair)
  • Roger Shrimplin (Honorary Secretary)
  • Sumita Singha (Education)
  • MaryAnne Stevens (Heritage)
  • Marjorie Strachan (Organisational Change)

Read the RIBA Trustee Code of Conduct.


RIBA has six committees which report to the RIBA Board.

View current RIBA Committee appointment vacancies.

Audit [& Risk] Committee

Committee of Board, reporting jointly to Board and Council

  • Mark Jarvis (Chair) – Lay
  • Joanna Bacon – RIBA Board Member, RIBA Council Member
  • Nik Benford – RIBA Board Member
  • Vacancy – Lay

Remunerations Committee

Committee of Board

  • Jack Pringle (Chair) – RIBA Board Chair
  • Joanna Bacon – RIBA Board Member, RIBA Council Member
  • Harry Hayer – independent
  • Marjorie Strachan – RIBA Board Member
  • Catherine Ward – independent

RIBA Board also has four specific committees to provide specialist expertise to support decision making in these areas.

Each member will serve a term of up to three years.

Vacancies will be advertised at a later date to allow for succession planning.

Cultural Knowledge & Outreach

Committee of Board

  • Joanna Bacon (Chair-Elect) – RIBA Council Member, RIBA Board Member
  • Maryam Al-Irhayim – RIBA Council Member
  • Eli Anderson – external expert (non-architect)
  • Tom Billington – external expert (non-architect)
  • Kerem Cengiz – RIBA Member, International
  • Catherine Croft – external expert (non-architect)
  • David Dehghani – RIBA Member, Student
  • Jon Greenfield – RIBA Council Member
  • MaryAnne Stevens – RIBA Board Member
  • Vacancy – RIBA Member, Associate
  • Vacancy – external expert (non-architect)


Committee of Board

  • Oliver Reichardt (Chair) – RIBA Member, Affiliate
  • Tom Foggin – RIBA Council Member, VP Membership
  • Roger Shrimplin – RIBA Council Member
  • Jason Boyle – RIBA Member, UK Branches & Regions
  • Ewen Miller – RIBA Member, UK Branches & Regions
  • Roger Wu – RIBA Member, International
  • Sarah Williams – RIBA Member, small practice
  • Neil Lister – RIBA Member
  • Rholdah Hayes – RIBA Member, large practice
  • Marjorie Strachan – RIBA Board Member
  • Murray Orr – RIBA Board Member
  • Sharika Tasnim, RIBA Member, Student
  • Vacancy – RIBA Member

Practice & Policy

Committee of Board

  • Des Fagan (Chair) – RIBA Member, client representative
  • Dan Brown – RIBA Member
  • Paul Bussey – RIBA Member, sector expert
  • Graham Devine – RIBA Member, RIBA Board Member
  • Jennifer Dixon – RIBA Member, RIBA Board Member
  • Mina Hasman – RIBA Member, large practice
  • Phil Obayda – RIBA Member, large practice
  • Rupert Simms – external expert (non-architect)
  • Vacancy – external expert (non-architect)
  • Vacancy – RIBA Council Member
  • Vacancy – RIBA Council Member
  • Vacancy – RIBA Member, client representative

Education & Learning

Committee of Board

  • Sumita Singha (Chair) – RIBA Trustee
  • Della Freeth – external expert (non-architect)
  • Helen Iball – academic representative of RIBA validated school - UK
  • Jane Tankard – RIBA Chartered Member (0 to 10 yrs)
  • Jonathan Manning – RIBA Chartered Member (10 to 20 yrs)
  • Justin Nicholls – RIBA Chartered Member (20+ yrs)
  • Maryam Al-Irhayim – RIBA Council Member
  • Nadia Mounajjed – academic representative of RIBA validated school - international
  • Nenpin Dimka – RIBA Member, student
  • Viginia Rammou – academic representative of RIBA validated school - UK
  • Vacancy – RIBA Trustee
  • Vacancy – RIBA Council Member

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