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RIBA Gulf Chapter - Introduction to Practice Summary

The RIBA Gulf Chapter hosted a free online event on June 3 to help answer students' questions on entering and working in practice. This included what companies look for in a graduate, what they look for in a CV, and what can a fresh recruit expect to do in their working week. Recent hires into the industry also presented during the event.

29 June 2020

The RIBA Gulf Chapter hosted a webinar on June 3 connecting over 200 students with practising members in the Gulf, to help answer their questions on entering and working in practice.

Architects who run teams and hire fresh graduates from SSH, Binchy and Binchy, Killa Design, RMJM and P&T Architects described what they look for in a CV and application. Two recently hired architects also showed their CV and work in the office. The event was moderated by Chair of RIBA Gulf Chapter Andy Shaw of AMA.

The panel advised the attendees that personality is as important as their CV, to network with their peers and the industry as much as they can (online and in real world) to find opportunities, and that they can keep developing their skills before working in an office though design competitions and online training.

Live seminar guest speakers were:

SSH Architects : David Daniels RIBA, Principle

Binchy & Binchy : Jennie Binchy RIBA, Director

Killa Design : Tommaso Calistri RIBA, Senior Architect

P&T Architects : Mahmoud Shahin RIBA, Senior Associate

RMJM : Sotiris Tsoulos, Design Director

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