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Talks and lectures

RIBA Big 5 Dubai

The Big 5 is the largest and most influential building and construction show in the Middle East. This year is celebrating its 40th anniversary and the RIBA has been invited to deliver a programme of high-quality, RIBA-accredited CPD.

The RIBA CPD programme has been designed to provide you with an insight into the big issues affecting practices in today’s challenging environment. Join us on 26 November 2019 for topics including, fire safety in design, modern conservation and heritage buildings as well as working in different geographical and historical contexts.

Programme of the day:

12pm – 12.45pm:
Alan Vallance, RIBA CEO, The RIBA and the Gulf
Sumaya Dabbagh, RIBA Gulf Chapter Chair-The business of architecture in a global context

1pm – 1.45pm:
Jane Duncan OBE, PPRIBA - The International impact of Grenfell

The fire in June 2017 at Grenfell Tower in West London shocked the world. How could such a fire have taken place, what was learned from previous fires, and how did the profession respond both locally in the UK and internationally? This seminar will review the shake up required for the whole construction industry, propose how the specialist knowledge of all members of the team needs to improve, and ask if the education of architecture students’ needs to be reviewed.

2pm – 2.45pm:
CPD Provider Network Presentation

3pm – 3.45pm:
Markus Seifermann, UberRaum Architects - Conservation of our modern heritage

Heritage buildings are an integral part of any city and landscape. Preserving them is an important cultural responsibility that architects share with engineers, historians, planners, and ultimately with the building owners. This seminar will explore case studies from London and the Old Town in Baku to explain how heritage buildings can be restored and revitalised to suit a contemporary lifestyle.

4pm – 4.45pm:
CPD Provider Network Presentation

5pm – 5.45pm:
Inspiration Hour – Richard Murphy OBE - Architecture of its own time and place

We try and make architecture that it is part of the evolving history of a place and at the same time is rooted to its underlying patterns; contemporary architecture that continues the story of a city, a building or a landscape and at the same time could never be imagined to be anywhere-else.   

How to book

For more information on the programme please see factsheet (PDF) or contact the RIBA CPD team.

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