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Credit: Rachel Manns

Hosting digital work experience for young people: Information for architects

Join RIBA Learning and Speakers for Schools for an online informational session on delivering safe and engaging digital work experiences.

Our aim is to open up the world of architecture to young people from all backgrounds and make it the inclusive profession it should be.

RIBA Learning has partnered with Speakers for Schools to support UK based architecture practices in delivering digital work experiences. Using Speakers for Schools’ delivery platform and networks, relieve the administrative work associated with these important opportunities, and keep your staff and the young people you work with safe. Firms can select appropriate students (14-19 years) to offer digital placements, then use the RIBA’s knowledge and educational expertise to develop an engaging offer that keeps a minimum of five students safe, engaged, and empowered in a digital environment.

This session is a chance to learn more about the programme and ask any questions you may have for RIBA Learning and Speakers for Schools. After the session, you will have a chance to sign up to the programme for summer term work experience placements and beyond.

This event will take place online and a link will be sent to attendees with confirmed bookings. We ask that attendees sign up as individuals rather than as a firm. This helps us to keep track of who has attended.

Please note that once you have booked onto this session your contact details will be shared with both RIBA Learning and Speakers for Schools for purposes of communicating with you and organising work experience placements.