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Abel Feleke, 2016 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship Recipient

RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship Retrospective

​The RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship is a prestigious annual travel grant awarded to the architecture student who best demonstrates the potential for outstanding achievement and original thinking on issues that relate to the survival and future of cities and towns. This exhibition features an archival display of the projects submitted by each of the eleven winners, illustrating the outcome of their travels.

The opening of this exhibition coincides with our RIBA Late: Ways of Unseeing on Tuesday 3 July 2018 from 6pm.

“As a student, I won a prize that allowed me to spend a summer travelling through Europe and to study first hand buildings and cities that I knew only from the pages of books. It was a revelation - liberating and exhilarating in so many ways. Today it is my privilege to support the RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship.”

Lord Foster

Awarded annually as a travel grant to the one architecture student who best demonstrates the potential for outstanding achievement and original thinking on issues that relate to the survival and the future of cities and towns, the RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship announced its inaugural winner in April 2007. Since then eleven students have been awarded the scholarship, enabling them to travel across the globe, from Australia to China, North Korea, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Mexico and Brazil.

Recipients of the scholarship travel between June and September and submit a report illustrating the outcome of their travels by November each year. The reports, which can be photographic, graphic,or written, inform the presentations that winners give in London, and the content of the archival display featured in this exhibition. Visit the exhibition to explore the winning projects, their outcomes and their original approaches to the future of international cities and towns.

Curated by John-Paul Nunes, RIBA Head of Education Projects.

The RIBA is grateful to Lord Foster, the Norman Foster Foundation, and Foster + Partners, for funding the RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship, and for their ongoing support of architectural education.