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Rachel Manns

Skill Up: Architecture Olympics - August 2021

Join us this summer to discover the cutting edge designs of Olympic buildings through history in a creative architecture workshop for young people aged 15 to 18. We will be inspired by the iconic Olympic buildings and the architects that created them to create a collaborative Olympic village.

About the course

Skill Up: Architecture Olympics
Wednesday 11 August 2021, 11am to 4pm
For ages 15 to 18

In-person workshop at 66 Portland Place, London.

Design a gold medal winning Olympic Park in the Architecture Olympics.

Join us this summer to discover the cutting edge designs of Olympic buildings through history. We will be inspired by the iconic Olympic buildings and the architects that created them to create a collaborative Olympic village.

You will each be given a brief to design a specific type of sporting building looking at accessibility, functionality, sustainability, and legacy. Then turn your ideas into a large scale graphic concept of your building or structure.

We will join all our designs together with added landscaping to set the scene for an Olympic Park to walk around and enjoy.

This creative architecture workshop is led by artist educator Katie Kennedy for young people aged 15 to 18 years.

Participant information for Skill Up at 66 Portland Place August 2021

This workshop will be one of the first in-person events for the RIBA since March 2020, so we are limiting the number of participants at this time. We are delighted to welcome you back to 66 Portland Place, but will ask that you follow a few extra guidelines for the event:

  • please do not attend if you have any symptoms associated with COVID-19, have had a positive corona virus test or been asked to self isolate
  • we will be asking participants over the age of 16 to take a lateral flow test within 48 hours of attending the workshop and be sending through a link to pre-register for track and trace
  • hand sanitiser stations are located throughout the building, please use these or wash hands regularly
  • we will keep the room as well ventilated as possible by opening windows and doors, so please bring a jumper if the weather is a bit chilly
  • maintain social distancing and wear a face covering (unless exempt) when moving around the building
  • bring along a packed lunch and a drink (the café is not open at this time). We will be keeping the group together at lunchtime and weather permitting we will be having our lunches on one of our outdoor terraces
  • we ask that everybody arrives 10 minutes before the start time so that we can take the group up together. We may be checking temperatures as part of the checking in procedure

About the Workshop series

Our workshops and courses for ages 15-18 "skill up" teenagers who are thinking about studying architecture or design. Participants think critically, share their views on architecture and express themselves through creative practice. In past workshops, participants have learned how to work to an architectural brief, improve portfolios, develop architectural drawing skills using a variety of media (including digital drawing on iPads) and photography skills, and work individually and collaboratively to think about how to design sustainable and responsible architecture.

Based in London, mainly our HQ at 66 Portland Place, all participants must arrive by 11am. These workshops are led by professional educators and all materials are included in the ticket price, but lunch is not provided.

If you're under 18, tickets must be booked by a parent or guardian. Online booking in advance is essential and if we do not receive full registration information in advance of the event we cannot allow the participant to attend.

Workshop costs

  • £40 excluding booking fee
  • £30 for participants who qualify for free school lunch. (Proof required)

To see other learning workshops taking place in this series, see our young people page.